Friday, October 30


I just decided to join NaNo, or National Novel Writing Month. Basically, you spend just the month of November writing a 50,000 word novel. Not ashamed to say I learned about it from the Hetalia com on LJ.

My idea is not really interesting. It's hardly original at all, and I'm not even sure if it can be called a novel. I'm basically going to document my life through this month from a third-person perspective. I calculated that I'll have to write 1667-ish words a day to make it. But really this is just an experiment to see if I can actually do it. Which is why my idea is so simple. No having to come up with plots or characters or anything fancy. Just my life from an outside observer. And I'll be putting each day up here.

I'll be linking my regular blog to this one so I can keep everything organized.

Hopefully this will work out! If not, it'll be an interesting experience.

My official entry page: here!

So every entry after this will be the parts of my 'novel', with a word count at the bottom for the part and the running total.

At some point I will change the blog title to the actual title. But since I haven't started yet there is no title.

Wish me luck!